The hospitality of the dwarves - contrary to their claims - is rather limited. For example, the events in Moria show that they have every reason to...
View full detailsThese two tankards with the coats of arms of the houses Stark and Targaryen would also have made wonderful tableware at a wedding celebration. Unfo...
View full detailsWhen Harry - and we as readers - first get to know the world of witches and wizards, he is fascinated by all the magic. As we all know, it manifest...
View full detailsIf you have finally managed to get hold of a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts, you will first get a shopping list as long as your arm. Of course, y...
View full detailsAs the title of the successful Game of Thrones spin-off suggests, dragons play a decisive role in House of the Dragon. They are ridden, serve as lo...
View full detailsEven though the devil fruits have given Luffy extraordinary abilities, a pirate cannot live exclusively on them. Travelling by sea is exhausting an...
View full detailsA whisky from an ordinary glass? Such a lack of style is deplorable. With the Original Stormtrooper Whisky Glasses Set of 2 Inside Out Design, you ...
View full detailsIf you ask yourself why Pokémon is so popular as a game, you'll probably come up with an ancient human instinct pretty quickly: hunting and gatheri...
View full detailsImagine Mewtu suddenly appears and you realise that you don't have a single Pokéball left. To make sure that something annoying like this never hap...
View full detailsHave you ever wondered what the inhabitants of Westeros and Essos, the great continents from "The Song of Ice and Fire" and other works by cult aut...
View full detailsLike all villains, the dark side of the Force usually lures us in with empty promises. Who hasn't heard the famous quote from Darth Vader to Luke: ...
View full detailsWhen autumn comes, it gets cold and nasty outside - the perfect weather for nerds. After all, we love to snuggle up indoors and play games, watch f...
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