Gifts for computer scientists
Gift ideas for computer scientists
This is where creativity is at a premium for many people. ;) Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more common for people to need gifts that appeal to lovers of ones and zeros. Be it because relatives or friends are IT administrators, programmers or something else in the IT industry, or because SysAdmin Day is approaching - sometimes you just need something suitable for IT people. In our Geek Shop, IT people are some... Mehr anzeigen of our favorite customers and that is why we have a large selection of IT gadgets and other items that they are guaranteed to be happy about and that also make great gifts.Anyone who has ever worked in IT support will know what the following situation is like: "Can you help me? My computer crashed and I can't get to a...
View full detailsIf there is any profession entirely deserving of their own drinking song, it’s programmers.The so-called “Programmer’s Drinking Song”, a modificati...
View full detailsWhat's the most popular answer to calls at the IT support hotline? Of course the sentence: "Have you tried turning it off and on again?&q...
View full detailsImagine that you’ve just created a model that allows different technical systems to communicate with each other and that features different layers ...
View full detailsBlechschild Kein Backup - Kein Mitleid
There are a few unwritten rules everybody in IT should always follow. And trust us, if you decide to ignore these rules, you definitely won't want ...
View full detailsEveryone who speaks a language with special characters knows the problem: Wrong encoding.
Home sweet home. Nobody likes to sit in front of strange computers where nothing is where it should be ;)
One does not simply explain a joke. Explaining jokes kills the fun. So, how do we write an entertaining product text about a Using Cookies Cookie B...
View full detailsYou may say you're a rather reserved person. But that doesn't stop you from attracting attention from friends and colleagues with fascinating gadge...
View full detailsIf you don't get this one, you belong to the rest... ;-) If there's a slight smile on your face though, you should probably think about h...
View full detailsLet me consider this briefly...............well, NO !Do you always need a bit of time to come up with an appropriate answer when someone else is as...
View full detailsOne nice aspect of mastering a language that not everyone understands is the possibility of being able to make a lot of inside jokes. This is espec...
View full detailsAnyone who's ever developed a program knows that just because it works on one person's computer, doesn't means it works on another! Given the almos...
View full detailsComments in code are massively overrated. Those who are in the know don't need extra explanations.
When programmers have worked too long on a project, or when you ask them how the code they worked on actually functions, their favorite answer will...
View full detailsA progress bar for human thinking processes could be pretty useful, don't you think? Everyone would know whether there's enough time to go get a cu...
View full detailsThe word 'hacker' in Japanese, on a T-shirt. The characters are pronounced "hakka" (with a short pause between the k: "hak...
View full detailsAs a nerd, one needs to be careful. One small mishap, one mistake and the whole disguise of a friendly and harmless computer guy can come crumbling...
View full detailsSomething you may not know is that computer scientists have to deal with all sorts of trees. Quite often, the most common being the so-called binar...
View full detailsIn 1989, Phil Katz thought that you could really make money with compression. He was not entirely wrong, because the invention of the ZIP format ma...
View full details"Too many cooks spoil the broth!" - a principle that not only applies in the kitchen but also the world of IT. When it comes to identifying former ...
View full detailsLook again!Even on t-shirts, the number of bugs increases by the day. All getDigital t-shirts are of course way past the beta phase ;)
In the bible, the Four Horsemen are the personifications of war, hunger, pestilence and death. But even those who don’t believe in the Christian ve...
View full detailsOn January 19, 2038, exactly on 03:14:07 (GMT) the 32-bit Unix time variable will be completely filled!Unix-like systems store the time as the numb...
View full detailsIf you ever meet a colour-blind robot, it will be useful to have the hex code the same colour of your shirt written on it :)The writing #000000 is ...
View full detailsThis T-shirt is a must-have for all gaming enthusiasts! The print shows the familiar W, A, S and D keys of a keyboard, surrounded by a rainbow-col...
View full detailsThis board game is probably not the number one choice for adult programmers of this world, but it is something the children might get a lot out of....
View full detailsAt times, we reach the point where our brain just refuses to function properly and even the simplest tasks are impossible to complete. Most program...
View full detailsAll users of a unix-like operating systems (Linux, Mac, BSD, etc) should know what a fork bomb is. A fork bomb is a program which creates so many c...
View full detailsProgrammers who use pointers should be careful because they aren't far away from hell ;) At least that's what the 2nd of the 10 commandme...
View full detailsLinux - The choice of the GNU generation.
ooner or later, you’re bound to lose your keys at home. And when do they decide to go AWOL? Yep, right when you’re in a hurry and don’t have time t...
View full detailsThis shirt based on the jurassic park logo is a tribute to all the brave admins combating outdated systems, inexplicable server failures and of cou...
View full detailsAhh, nothing beats a well-organized home, right? Everything exactly where it belongs, all the books organized by the astronomical sign of the autho...
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