Description Dungeons & Dragons W20 Color-Changing Lamp
Every pen-and-paper session stands and falls with the DM (dungeon master = game master) and the effort the chosen person shows. A thrillingly written adventure, self-made handouts for the player characters, lovingly drawn maps, atmospheric music – all of this completes the illusion and quickly transports the participants to distant worlds. But even the best DMs often neglect a fundamental aspect: the lighting!
Fortunately, the “Dungeons & Dragons” W20 Color-Changing Lamp provides a remedy here: This lamp is modeled after a 20-sided die, which stands for Dungeons & Dragons or role-playing games in general like hardly anything else. Once the included USB cable is plugged in, the lamp can switch between nine different colors at will, creating the right mood for all imaginable situations. Just don't roll the lamp. ;)