Description Grow Your Own Christmas Trees - Plant Your Own Christmas Trees
Christmas without a Christmas tree is not a real Christmas! Period, end of story! Even if it's just a scraggly pine from the hardware store or a single fir branch: Without the scent of a real tree, the prickly needles on the floor, and resin stains on your fingers, no Christmas spirit can arise.
If you're tired of paying exorbitant amounts to your trusted tree smuggler, the "Grow your own Christmas Tree" set is just right for you: This set contains everything you need to grow your own Christmas tree. Simply plant the seeds in the two pots with nutrient soil according to the instructions, water regularly, and enjoy a thoroughly homemade Christmas tree at the next celebration.
Please note: A tree needs sufficient time to grow. So you shouldn't expect a set you bought at the beginning of December to produce a fully grown tree by December 24th. ;)